Below you will find suggested/recommended supplies for the class. If you already paint with acrylics, you may already have much of what you will need, so I encourage you to use what you have and supplement where/when needed.
If you don't already have most of the suggested supplies below, please do not feel like you have to buy every single suggested tool/supply or that you have to buy it all right away. Start out with the items on the main painting supply list and add a few of the things from the optional tools & supplies list if you can. You can always get more things later to experiment with in your work.
Important note: I personally use professional/artist quality acrylic paint, mainly Golden brand, but also recommend Matisse, Sennelier, Holbein, and Liquitex. Get the highest quality paint that fits your budget.
If you aren't in the United States, then the professional/artist quality paint brands available to you will differ. Please keep in mind when you use really cheap student grade or craft paints, you will find it challenging to achieve a similar look/effect/feel to what I will be showing in the class demos. If you don't have any good quality paint, then any of the above brands would be what I would suggest you start with if possible.
I get most of my supplies from the following sources in the US. If you use any of my affiliate links below, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase.
These three links below are just to the main pages, not a specific supply list for this class. For the suggested supply list, please scroll further down.
Blick Art Materials* (affiliate link)
Amazon* (affiliate link)
Jerry's Artarama
* denotes affiliate link
Happy supply gathering!!! :)
Not all of these are necessary. Choose which ones you'd like to use for creating your paintings during our class.
This is what I use and will be demoing. You do not have to use these to varnish your work, but I do recommend that you use some kind of varnish as a final protective layer.
Here are some specific links (*affiliate links) for ones that I recommend:
Liquitex paint marker fine 2-4mm - white*
Liquitex paint marker fine 2-4mm - carbon black*
Posca Paint Pen 0.7mm bullet shaped PC-1M black*
Posca Paint Pen 0.7mm bullet shaped PC-1M white*
Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish*
M. Graham Gloss Medium and Varnish*
Large 1"+ flat or wash brushes for applying isolation coat and acrylic based brush on varnishes: these and these are what I use most of the time
Krylon Gallery Series UV Archival Varnish (removable)*
Winsor & Newton Satin UV Varnish (removable)*
Gamvar Picture Varnish (removable varnish)* on Amazon
Gamvar Picture Varnish (removable)* on Blick
Gesso brushes for applying Gamvar Varnish*
NEW Gamblin brand Gamvar varnish brushes*
*(affiliate link, means I may receive a small commission if you purchase something through my link)
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